Crack The Career Code: Unlock The Amazing Power Within To Lead With Confidence, Charisma and Credibility

An executive leadership course designed specifically for women who want to fast track their way to success in today’s corporate environment. The path to executive leadership for women has many unique challenges and to earn C-Suite Level success, women must develop, hone and perfect their leadership skills and potential. This course helps you to do just that!

In this course we will explore:

  • Discovering Your Purpose, Gifts And Talents With Ease
  • Finding That Missing 'Something' In Your Life
  • Putting Your Dream Career Within Reach
  • How To Become Decisive
    Assuming the Persona Of A Successful Executive or Entrepreneur
  • Taking Charge Of Your Personal Brand And How To Make It Work For You   

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction And Overview

    • Introduction To Dr. Madeline Ann Lewis

    • Overview Of The Course

  • 2

    Discover Your Purpose, Gifts & Talents

    • It's All In The Approach: Discover Your Purpose, Gifts And Talents With Ease

    • Overcoming Your Biggest Obstacle: Get Out Of Your Own Way, Rise Up And Embrace Your Dreams

    • What Makes You Come Alive?

    • Be Brave And Envision The Success You Want

    • Find That Missing 'Something' In Your Life

    • What If A 9-5 Just Isn't For You? Taping Into Your Entrepreneurial Side

    • Questionnaire #1

    • Questionnaire #2

  • 3

    Deliberately Design Your Ideal Career

    • You Can Do It: Your Dream Career Is Within Your Reach

    • Breaking Down Goals Into Small, Achievable Steps

    • Your Career Blueprint

    • Just How Does The Successful Executive Woman Plan Her Success Track?

    • Executive Guidance: Finding A Mentor

    • Persistence And Determination: Your Secret Weapons To Beat The Odds

    • Change Is The Friend That Just Might Boost Your Career

    • How Can I Think Of Myself As A Success?

    • How Do I Face My Giants?

    • Questionnaire #3

  • 4

    Be Decisive And Move Forward With Confidence

    • Make A Decision And Stick To It

    • Stop Procrastinating

    • Trust Your Instincts

    • Believe In Yourself

    • Don't 2nd Guess Yourself

    • Analyze, Draw Conclusions And Articulate With Confidence

    • Questionnaire #4

  • 5

    Assume The Persona Of A Successful Executive Or Entrepreneur

    • Develop Your Presence And Let Your Competence Radiate

    • The Earmarks Of A Highly Successful Woman

    • The Importance Of Taking Charge And Not Looking To Others For Direction

    • How To Step Into Your Excellence: Be Who You Were Created To Be

    • How To Increase Your Self-Knowledge And Discover What Is Important To You

    • How To Unleash Your True Potential And Succeed

    • Questionnaire #5

  • 6

    Take Charge Of Your Personal Brand And Professional Image

    • Dressing For Success

    • Examples Of A Professionally Dressed Woman

    • How 1st Impressions Are Made

    • How To Make Every 1st Impression Work For You

    • How To Develop Every Aspect Of Your Professional Image

    • How To Pursue Your Career Goals With Greater Self-Esteem And Confidence

    • The Importance Of Having A Professional Presence In The Workplace

    • Questionnaire #6

    • Questionnaire #8

  • 7

    Create And Cultivate Your Support System

    • The Importance Of Cultivating Your Network

    • How To Make Personal Contacts With Other Women

    • Creating Your Support System: Find Like-Minded Women Who Will Help You Achieve Your Goals

    • How To Network With Progressive Women Across Sectors And Backgrounds

    • How To Foster Personal And Professional Connections

    • The Value Of Building A Female Based Network

    • Don't Count Out The Idea Of A Male Mentor

    • How To Keep The Line Between Networking And Friendship From Becoming Blurred

    • Questionnaire #7

  • 8


    • Course Recap

    • Invitation

It’s Your Time To Get That Executive Position Of Your Dreams!

Your journey starts here.

About The Instructor

President/CEO Executive Women's Success Institute

Dr. Madeline Lewis

This is the instructor section. You can use this space to tell and show your students who you are and why you're the perfect person to teach the course you're offering. You can talk about your work and education history, and really anything else that shows off who you are so your students get excited about learning from you. You're the expert after all, this is your chance to shine!